Covert Harassment Conference 2014 >>
Conference speakers 2015
7 September 2015: Unfortunately, due to serious (leg) injury Carl Clark cannot come to the conference. We visited Carl and did an interview with him parts of which will be shown during the conference. We wish Carl prompt & successful recovery. We also invited Dr. Munzert. It is not possible for him to come to Berlin because of the ongoing attacks. We visited him and recorded a video for the conference.

More speakers/testimonials ...
Speakers - Bios
Dr. Nick Begich - USA

Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich. He is well known in Alaska for his own political activities. He was twice elected President of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of Education. He has been pursuing independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. Begich received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science, from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka, in November 1994.
He co-authored with Jeane Manning the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology. Begich has also authored Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace and and his latest book Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul both with the late James Roderick. His latest work is Controlling the Human Mind - The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance. Begich has published articles in science, politics and education and is a well known lecturer, having presented throughout the United States and in nineteen countries. He has been featured as a guest on thousands of radio broadcasts reporting on his research activities including new technologies, health and earth science related issues. He has also appeared on dozens of television documentaries and other programs throughout the world including BBC-TV, CBC-TV, TeleMundo, and others.
Begich has served as an expert witness and speaker before the European Parliament. He has spoken on various issues for groups representing citizen concerns, statesmen and elected officials, scientists and others. He is the publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse Press. He served as Tribal Administrator/Village Planner for the Chickaloon Village Council, a federally recognized American Indian Tribe of the Athabascan Indian Nation for five years and served four years as the Executive Director of The Lay Institute of Technology, Inc. a Texas non-profit corporation. Currently Begich consults for tribal organizations, private corporations and others in a number of research areas.
Dr. Begich has five adult children, and four grandchildren.

Mojmír Babáček - Czech Republic
Born in 1947 in Prague in Czechoslovakia, he graduated in philosophy and political economy at the Charles University in Prague in 1972.
Mojmir established the Association Aspiring to Ban Human Neural System Manipulation by Radiofrequency Radiation in the Czech Republic. Mojmír Babáček is the chairman of this association.
Mojmír Babáček was one of the signatories of Charta '77, which was important political document of Czech dissent in the time of totalitarian rules those days.
Ole Dammegård - Denmark

Ole Dammegård is an author, inventor, former journalist and investigator, who has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to researching many of the global conspiracies. His main focus has been to find out the truth about the assassinations of the Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme, JFK, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Lady Di, plus the terror attacks of 911, Oklahoma City and the Boston Marathon etc.
Ole Dammegård has discovered strong links between them all and has come to the conclusion that the same Global Elite seem to have used the same skilled mechanics for decades to do their dirty jobs, including False Flag Operations. Now he is taking things one step further by suggesting that we are actually seeing the same team of crisis actors, directors, military advisors, marketing agencies etc., on an international terror spree. Just like a famous rock group on a global tour, this group is flown from country to country in military planes, landing on military bases and then being transported in buses to the location of their next false flag operation. This means that it might be the very same people we have seen in Paris, Ottawa, Sydney and Copenhagen. Prepare yourself for some explosive information.
Ole Dammegård has been a guest on many programmes, including The People’s Voice, Red Ice Creations (Sweden/USA), Project Camelot (USA), Veritas Radio (USA), The Real Deal with Prof. Jim Fetzer (USA), No Lies Radio with Dr Kevin Barrett (USA), Super Woo Radio (Austrailia), Global Peace Radio (UK), Open Your Mind Radio (Ireland), Talk Radio Europe (Spain), Freedom Radio (Denmark), Freedom Reigns (Australia) etc.
See also:

Dr. Kevin Barrett - USA

Kevin Barrett, an American Muslim and PhD Islamic Studies scholar, is one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. He has authored and edited several books and appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other mainstream publications.
A former teacher of French, Arabic, Islamic Studies, Humanities and other subjects at colleges and universities in Paris, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Wisconsin, he currently works as a talk radio host, nonprofit organizer, editor at Veterans Today, and pundit at Press TV, Russia Today, al-Etejah and other international channels.
His website is

Prof. Olle Johansson - Sweden
Olle Johansson, associate professor at the Karolinska Institute, Department of Neuroscience, and head of The Experimental Dermatology Unit. Olle Johansson is a world-leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects. Among many achievements he coined the term ”screen dermatitis”. He has published more than 600 original articles, reviews, book chapters, statements, resolutions, and conference reports, within the fields of basic and applied neuroscience, dermatoscience, epidemiology, and biophysiology, and is one of the authors behind the Bioinitiative Report as well as the Seletun Statement.
Dr. John Hall - USA
Dr. John Hall is a medical doctor from San Antonio, Texas and the author of A New Breed and Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control. Both books deal with the phenomenon of electronic harassment and organized stalking.
He is board certified in anesthesiology and pain management and runs a busy practice specializing in chronic pain therapy and stem cell therapy.
He is a member of the Mind Science Foundation, American Board of Anesthesiology, North American Neuromodulation Society, World Institute of Pain and the World Academy of Pain Management in Ultrasound. He is one of very few medical doctors directly dealing with this issue and its victims.
Dr. Henning Witte - Sweden
Law School at Munich, Uppsala (Sweden) and Bonn. Legal Clark in Düsseldorf. Dr. of law at Frankfurt University. 1989 admitted to the Bar of Hamburg. Working as international business lawyer since 1989.
Founder of White TV, Sweden's first uncontrolled medium Whitetv.
See also:
Mečislav Chorzempa - Czech Republic
Computer programmer, Council Member of Association Aspiring to Ban Human Neural System Manipulation by Radiofrequency Radiation in the Czech Republic.
Vice-chairman of Polish Association of TI's - Stop Organized Electronic Tortures (Stowarzyszenie STOP Zorganizowanym Elektronicznym Torturom, STOPZET), Spolek Za zákaz manipulace lidské nervové soustavy radiofrekvenčním zářením.
Peter Mooring - The Netherlands
Electrical Engineering / Computer architecture at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Together with some other graduates he started his own company specialized in developing custom advanced computer hardware and software systems.
Started STOPEG Foundation in 2007.
See also:
Harald Brems - Germany
Harald Brems lives and works in Berlin. Living over ten years as a TI he talks about techniques and history of mind control.
Harald started the Initiative Gegen Elektromagnetische Folter (IGEF) in 2009.
See also:
Ewa Pawela - Poland
Polish Association of TI's - STOPZET (Stop Organized Electronic Tortures) Sciences of language - University of Wrocław (Pologne), Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle.
See also:
Rick Simpson - Canada [VIA SKYPE]
Rick Simpson is a retired power engineer who worked for 25 years in the medical system in Canada. After suffering a severe head injury in 1997 he took all the medications that the doctors prescribed, but their side effects did nothing but harm.
So in desperation he turned to the use of cannabis extracts, which he produced himself and quickly found that he had discovered the greatest natural medicine on earth. After learning the truth about the amazing healing abilities of these extracts, he then went to everyone in authority to have its use recognised once more, but found that in reality those who control our lives, wanted to keep the truth hidden from public view. Having no where else to turn, he then made this knowledge public and since that time countless individuals world wide have used his information to cure or control illnesses for which our current medical systems have no solution.

See also:
Dr. Reinhard Munzert - Germany [VIDEO ONLY]
We invited Dr. Munzert. It is not possible for him to come to Berlin because of the ongoing attacks but we agreed to record a video for the conference followed by a session by phone where people can ask him questions while showing information like his websites. Please come back for updates. See also:
Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons
Carl Clark - UK [VIDEO ONLY]

A former member of foreign covert intelligence services operating in the U.K., before working alongside British Security Services as a deniable asset until 2005, when he became the hunted after falling out with his handlers.
Carl went through three years of harassment and targeting by his former mentors, it resulted in the breakdown of his marriage of 25 years before moving away from his home town of Norwich and settling in Thetford, where he became very popular and rebuilt his life.
Carl became a Local and District Councillor after being elected for his work with children and youth for the Labour Party, he then disagreed with some of their policies and represented the Christian Peoples Alliance, where he stood a candidate in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections in which he got over 11,000 votes and beat two of the opposing parties, due to a RTA he was unable to stand in the U.K Parliamentary Elections in 2015 his injuries are still causing problems but he welcomes the invitation to the conference in October.
See also his interview in Raum und Zeit:
Carl Clark Interview Raum und Zeit (German)
Carl Clark Interview Raum und Zeit (English)

Speakers - Lectures
Dr. Nick Begich - USA
Title: Mind Control: A Brave New World together with HAARP – The Update
Summary Manipulation of the mind, emotions and physical health of people through new applied technologies continues to draw the attention of military planners around the world. Best selling author of the book Controlling the Human Mind and lecture, Dr. Nick Begich will present the most startling advances in this area of technology for both military and private sector uses. The presentation will provide in depth information, demonstrations, background and forecasts of development of these areas of science as they affect our society and individual freedom. Enhancing human performance or controlling human outcomes will be the challenge of the century raising serious questions on the ethics of the science of mind control. Control of the human mind by external means is now a reality – how we use this technology is the next challenge for this generation.
Dr. Begich’s books are all available in German through
Mojmír Babáček - Czech Republic
Title: Can we oblige the secret services to negotiate with us?
Summary It is not difficult to build a microwave transmitter capable to control the activity of human nervous system. We should address the technical departments of the police in the states where we live and describe them how easy it is and ask them to take an action in our parliaments aimed at the verifiable ban of the use of such devices. If the police does not take an appropriate action, our organisations should publish open letters to our parliaments (at least on Internet information servers) describing the rather precise way how to produce such devices and demanding their verifiable ban. It means the enactment of the laws which would ban the development, production, circulation and use of such devices by private persons, organizations and governmental organizations and formation of teams capable to detect such radiations and search for their sources. The trouble is that the scanning and shielding experiments do not prove in a conclusive way that those are pulsed microwaves which are used against all of the targeted individuals. We can only hope that, when gaining reputation for the ban of mind control devices based on pulsed microwaves, we will find some help with disclosing of the other technologies which can be applied to the remote control of human nervous system.
Ole Dammegård - Denmark
Title: A global act of terror - on tour
Summary Ole Dammegård has come to the conclusion that the same Global Elite seem to have used the same skilled mechanics for decades to do their dirty jobs, including False Flag Operations.
Now he is taking things one step further by suggesting that we are actually seeing the same team of crisis actors, directors, military advisors, marketing agencies etc., on an international terror spree.
Just like a famous rock group on a global tour, this group is flown from country to country in military planes, landing on military bases and then being transported in buses to the location of their next false flag operation. This means that it might be the very same people we have seen in Paris, Ottawa, Sydney and Copenhagen. Prepare yourself for some explosive information.
Dr. Kevin Barrett - USA
Title: Technology as a False God: The Heresy of Exposing Covert Harassment
Summary Why do covert harassment victims find it so difficult to convince others to take their accounts seriously?
One reason is that as Christianity has declined, much of the West has embraced a new idolatry: a “religion" of technological progress and modernity. This false religion promises a path to salvation through the false god of technology, whose high priests - the technocratic elite - act as intermediaries between technology and man.
According to the tenets of this false religion, technology and its administrators are basically good. Any account that challenges this myth of benevolence, and exposes the dystopian, arguably satanic nature of the technocratic priesthood and the false god it represents, will be deemed heretical.
From the standpoint of the false religion and its high priests, covert harassment victims are unusually dangerous heretics. Their accounts reveal that elements of the technocratic elite are literally satanic – not just in the Faustian sense of seeking god-like powers, but also in the Girardian sense conducting diabolical persecutions.
Prof. Olle Johansson - Sweden
Title: Adverse health effects of modern electromagnetic fields from wireless telecommunication, such as mobile phones and WiFi
Summary Olle Johansson, The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

The body of evidence on EMF requires a new approach to protection of public health; the growth and development of the fetus, and of children; and argues for strong preventative actions. These conclusions are built upon prior scientific and public health reports documenting the following:

1) Low-intensity (non-thermal) bioeffects and adverse health effects are demonstrated at levels significantly below existing exposure standards.
2) ICNIRP and IEEE/FCC public safety limits are inadequate and obsolete with respect to prolonged, low-intensity exposures.
3) New, biologically-based public exposure standards are urgently needed to protect public health world-wide.
4) It is not in the public interest to wait.

In my presentation I will hint at the historic background of electricity and electromagnetic fields, how suspicions early arose that such fields and signals could have negative health effects, and how it lead to today's public discussion all over the world. I will also touch upon the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity, and which laws and regulations that guide us regarding such a disability. I will go into more depth about the scientific research results regarding adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields, and the urgent need for completely independent research projects to be be inaugurated immediately to ensure our public health. These projects must be entirely independent of all types of commercial interests; public health can not have a price-tag! It is also of paramount importance that scientists involved in such projects must be free of any carrier considerations and that the funding needed is covered to 100%, not 99% or less. This is the clear responsibility of the democratically elected body of every country.
Dr. John Hall - USA
Title: Who are the Targeted Individuals?
Summary Review of what we are finding and what we are not finding. Comprehensive review of what victims are going through, theories of delivery and possible remedies.
Dr. Henning Witte - Sweden
Title: Legal aspects of mind control
Mečislav Chorzempa - Czech Republic
Title: The Czech Targeted Individuals' History and Experience
  1. Targeted family houses appeared together with live TIs. The first Czech targeted family house was attacked in a village in 2006. Those days even mainstream media were allowed to inform about interior damage of furniture, window glass, electricity outlets, etc. of the family house in one village. A lot of pictures of the disaster appeared also in the Internet that time. Later on, 2 other houses in a different place had the same fate. This time however, dwellers described tinnitus and headache.
  2. Statistics of TIs show some higher occurrence of victims in chosen regions in the Czech Republic. We have more targeted men than women, which is different in comparison with other countries. There is also a certain age span between younger and older group of TIs. The worst, shocking case of atrocities made to mother and her two children have been taking place in the north-west part of the country for many years.
  3. Some electronical tortures to Targeted Individuals have been detected and documented.
    Infrared Body Thermoregulation Diagnosis is one of possible detecting method of local body attacks. There are some Thermo Diagnostic and Curing Health Centres in many countries. One of them was visited by a Targeted Individual during the time when the attack was strong and most likely led from electronical remote Neural Weapons. The perpetrators did not analyse a situation properly. In this way at least an indirect proof of evidence was recorded by Thermo Diagnostic Measurer during this attack. The attackers made a mistake, as the harmful radiation beaming resulted into temperature rise in the attacked body part and was actually recorded, computerized by Thermo Diagnostic Centre and printed. The result was then given to the Targeted Individual, who had just been scanned. The temperature difference of the same body part, where RFID foreign body was indicated by ICAACT specialists, reached the value of as much as 5,3 °C. It was alarming as it concerned the human brain. The 2nd measurement was done after 10 days. At that time however, the perpetrators were more careful and they were not shooting with their electronical remote Neural Weapons against the same TI. Thus the 2nd result showed minimal difference in the temperatures of the same part of TI's body and its surroundings.
Peter Mooring - The Netherlands
Title: Surviving the mind prison, organized stalking and electronic harassment, 2015 update
Summary It is not difficult to accept that are mechanisms in our society that try to suppress the truth. Whistleblowers, investigative journalists, activists are all being watched, and may become targeted for short or long periods. The closer to the truth and to exposing their knowledge to large groups of people, the more they are in danger from being silenced. We read in the news that they got a heart attack, committed suicide. The thought that they probably have been murdered is unacceptable with the way we have been programmed since we were born with democratic values and respect for the rule of law. Let alone we are able to think who may have planned and executed this. Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment are methods used to manipulate, incapacitate, torture and murder. They are part of the system that is controlling the population. A small part of the population is attacked with these methods and weapons to keep the system in control, to test new methods and weapon systems. Many are almost random victims, most are not understanding what it is that is attacking them, they never learned about this, never read about this. The survivors call themselves Targeted Individuals. Without the internet you would never have heard of them.
Harald Brems - Germany
Title: Techniques and history of mind control
Summary Mindcontrol has a long tradition. Beginning in the concentration camps of the nazis and further in the labors of the CIA, people tried to control humans since over 60 years. What began with torture through drugs, hypnosis and electro shocks developed to a hightech treatment with distance weapons. What is known as directed energy weapons can be used to torture individuals. People worldwide are concerned from illegal and unwilling experimentation with these technologies. What is known by very few people worldwide is based on techniques that partly use frequencies, which our body is reacting on. What are these frequencies and how are they used? In this lecture we see some mindcontrol-patents that are known and look how they work.
Ewa Pawela - Poland
Title: Situation of the mind control victims in Poland, a member of NATO and the EU
Summary Juxtaposition of testimonies of Polish victims of mind control, who tell about their sufferings and present evidence of the latest technologies used against them with the official discourse of the state that does not hide the fact it creates the most favorable conditions for the development of these technologies for the companies aiming to profit billions on the global market by the threefold of: "steering = control = security ". State that is fully involved in the development of NATO's defense doctrines, eg. in the field of so called "non-lethal weapons"or building a European security system that is based on total invigilation.

An attempt to answer the question whether the dramatic situation of a group called: "random candidates" in Poland results rather from the current business of the old, criminogenic communistic elites, which arised from the military special services or, whether the cynical sentencing as "guinea pigs" of the part of the society, so as, remote torture, can be perceived, in today's transnational world, as the standard of fulfilling obligations to the allied states.
Rick Simpson - Canada
Title: Cannabis as a medicine - Lets face the facts
Summary This lecture is about our natural right as humans, to have free access to a life saving medication, which we all can produce from medicinal Indica varieties of the cannabis hemp plant. What Rick intends to present, will inform the public about how some rich self serving individuals, took it upon themselves to outlaw the use, of one of our most precious medical resources. Some people may be shocked at the crimes which have been committed against us, but never the less it is more than obvious that this crime against humanity is still going on and it is Ricks goal to bring this travesty to an end.
Dr. Reinhard Munzert - Germany [VIDEO ONLY]
Carl Clark - UK [VIDEO ONLY]
Title: Experiences with harassment before and after working alongside the British Security Services
Summary Carl became the hunted after falling out with his handlers and went through three years of harassment and targeting by his former mentors, it resulted in the breakdown of his marriage of 25 years before moving away from his home town of Norwich and settling in Thetford, where he became very popular and rebuilt his life.
Carl became a Local and District Councillor after being elected for his work with children and youth for the Labour Party, he then disagreed with some of their policies and represented the Christian Peoples Alliance, where he stood a candidate in the 2014 European Parliamentary elections in which he got over 11,000 votes and beat two of the opposing parties, due to a RTA (Road Traffic Incident) he was unable to stand in the U.K Parliamentary Elections in 2015 his injuries are still causing problems.
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12 mar 2016 More videos from the Covert Harassment Conference 2015 in Berlin:

6 mar 2016 Video of our 8th forum of Covert and Overt Harassments in Japan with English subtitles. By Mr. Terukatsu Ishibashi, the Chairman of the board of directors of Technological Crime Victims Network Specified Nonprofit Organization.

22 Dec 2015 Harald Brems of the Initiative Gegen Elektromagnetische Folter (IGEF), at the Covert Harassment Conference 2015: 1) Lecture, 2) Interview, 3) Reflection. Thank you so much Harald for helping to organize the conference and being a speaker!
Harald Brems
Website: Initiative Gegen Elektromagnetische Folter (IGEF) -

Wonderful work by Harald Brems of the Initiative Gegen Elektromagnetische Folter (IGEF), his article in Raum&Zeit: Bericht zur Covert Harassment Conference - Gang - Stalking und Strahlenfolter:

Read on raum&zeit website >.
20 Dec 2015 John Hall at the Covert Harassment Conference 2015: 1) Lecture, 2) Interview, 3) Announcing TARGETED, The Movie, 4) Reflection. Thank you so much John for coming to the conference!
John Hall
20 Dec 2015 TARGETED. Based on true events. Adapted from Dr. John Hall's book A New Breed - Satellite Terrorism in America.
10 Dec 2015 More videos of the Covert Harassment Conference 2015 are online (thank you for your patience):
29 Nov 2015 This is an update regarding the delay with the videos from the Covert Harassment Conference 2015. We have completed editing all speakers talks and will start uploading the videos this week. Sorry for the delays ... this is what happened. This year, we outsourced the recordings of the lectures. We were meant to receive the conference videos immediately after the event and, also, we were meant to receive edited videos one month after the conference. Unfortunately, both agreed points were not met. When finally, after over one month, we received our videos, many of them appeared to be of bad quality and some fragments were missing. Despite disappointments, we started to work on editing them ourselves.
27 Nov 2015 REMOTE CONTROL Investigative Documentary 90' + 52'

Is it possible to hack a human being? It is possible to modify his behavior, alter his personality, read his thoughts, implant dreams, memories or ideas in his brain, make him hear voices or pronounce phrases... force him to act against their will, even force him to commit suicide?

Experts say that, with currently available technology, and the convergence between neuroscience and electronics, this is all already possible. Since the experiments of Dr. Jose Delgado in Yale University, in the 60's and 70's, mind control techniques has become one of the main areas of interest for secret services and the military.

And thousands of people, in the United States, in Europe, and spread all over the world, claim to be victims, targeted individuals, used as guinea pigs, in large scale experiments to verify the effectiveness of these techniques.

Those affected by these non consensual trials are starting to group into associations, demanding official investigations that determine who is behind these experiments. Their stories sound like science fiction, and are often rejected, or ridiculed, but the symptoms they explain corresponds with techniques that have been investigated at some point by scientists, and form part of scientific research currently underway, or carried out in recent years.

Developed by neuroscience labs and research centers from some of the leading universities in the United States, many of this trials has been funded by DARPA (the Agency of advanced research for America's defense) and protected by military secrecy. Many of the patents which have been derived from these investigations are part of the list of the so called "black patents", restricted by its strategic interest, and not accessible for the public.

If you want to be in this Remote Control Pedro Barbadillo film, send an email to or

Thank you
18 Oct 2015 Researchers used magnetic energy to suppress humans’ threat-response functions and dramatically change people’s attitudes ...
Mind hack: Scientists use magnets to change attitudes on immigration, religion

The team was able to communicate words from one human to another ...
Brain-to-brain verbal communication in humans achieved for the first time

How did it feel for Stocco to have someone else's brain control his own hand?
UW Researchers Use Brain of One to Control Body of Another

Technology which implements pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery ...
Remote Control of Brain Activity Using Ultrasound
15 Oct 2015 Unique interviews from the Covert Harassment Conference, 1-2 October 2015, Berlin, broadcasted by Jim Fetzer's The Real Deal: 1) Kevin Barrett and Nick Begich, 2) Kevin Barrett and Ole Dammegård and Olle Johansson, 3) Kevin Barrett and Peter Mooring.

12 Oct 2015 Demonstration on Sunday 18 October 2015, 4pm, Oranienplatz, Kreutzberg, Berlin. Organized by attendants of the Covert Harassment Conference 2015. For more information contact Aaron If we don't act now it may be too late for future generations. Please print the flyer, two sides, and take it with you. Please share.
Flyer Deutsch (German):
Flyer English:

12 Oct 2015 Thursday, 10/08/2015 False Flag Weekly News - Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer about the Covert Harassment Conference 2015 in Berlin.

10 Oct 2015 Kevin Barrett: ... And that is why the Covert Harassment Conference is so important. Courageous whistleblowers have made it abundantly clear that we are about to enter a new era – if we haven’t entered it already – in which covert electronic weaponry and invisible mind-control technology will create totalitarian gulag states that annihilate free will and turn humans into robotic slaves ...
Kevin Barrett
10 Oct 2015 '... The Covert Harassment Conference investigates psychological operations (psyops) and covert harassment, examining government use of mind control, state-of-the-art techniques involving microwaves, electromagnetic fields, hypnosis, drugs and community-based harassment (wherein multiple individuals in a community – or those planted within one – engage in the harassment and stalking of a single individual in order to psychologically undermine him or her). ...' Article by Erik Rush:
5 Oct 2015 Thank you so much! The conference took place, we had some 130 participants (excluding speakers), few journalists and doctors, most were TI's. We had visitors from Germany, Poland Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Japan, Russia, Ireland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Italy, etc. We understand that for most TI's it is very difficult to come. For this it is almost impossible to express our gratitude to all who came.
We also want to thank our speakers, without them, the conference would not have been possible. Thank you Nick Begich, Mojmir Babáček, Ole Dammegård, Kevin Barrett, Olle Johansson, John Hall, Henning Witte, Mečislav Chorzempa, Rick Simpson!
The participants list will be send soon, we will put the lectures online in 1-3 months (please be patient) and will contact everyone who sent us messages. This conference is not over yet!
From our hearts we thank you.
Peter, Beata, Harald, Kim, Ewa, Melanie
1 Oct 2015
Ole Dammegård, Olle Johansson, Nick Begich and Kevin Barrett at the Covert Harassment Conference 2015 in Berlin

1 Oct 2015 NTV with Janusz Zagórski present at the conference to record the presentations and do media coverage. Janusz is running the internet TV station NTV in Poland and active in exposing facts about mind control.
30 Sep 2015 Kevin Barrett's post about Berlin and the conference:
Reflections from Nazi HQ @BerlinWall
25 Sep 2015 Nick Begich will only speak at day 1. He asked us to share the following: Anne Honer is in the Hospital by Nicholas Begich - GoFundMe
25 Sep 2015 We received information from Mr. Lucas Pomeroy and decided to put this online and at the same time start our investigations into this.
- AFOSR_White_Paper_Pomeroy_003_FBI.pdf
- pomeroy_003.pdf
- us_cyber_command_abstract_pomeroy_003.pdf
24 Sep 2015 During the conference the book of late MD Rauni Kilde "BRIGHT LIGHT ON BLACK SHADOWS"* published in March 2015 in Canada will be available. Ask organizer Beata Zalewska.
See also:
23 Sep 2015 Newsletter 22 Sep 2015.
22 Sep 2015 Greenwald: ... it is not difficult to see how dangerous it is to have secret government agencies being able to target any individuals they want - who have never been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crimes ...
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

Was it the NSA? GCHQ? A Russian hacker? Who was secretly reading his book on Snowden while he wrote it, wonders Luke Harding
Writing The Snowden Files: 'The paragraph began to self-delete'

CIA, NATO, your national secret services ...
CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer
21 Sep 2015 Detailed programme (1st version) online now:
21 Sep 2015 The Covert Harassment Conference 2015 is on thanks to great people, Dr. Kevin Barrett and Prof. James Tracy:
19 Sep 2015 United States Army Veteran Robert O. Butner: The CIA and contractors use no touch torture tech. on vets too. From his website This case is typical of many 'technical crime victims' labeled 'targeted individuals' and their families.
17 Sep 2015 False Flag Weekly News (first few minutes): Covert Harassment Conference interviews: Jim interviews Peter Mooring
17 Sep 2015 Are THEY zapping us? Unfortunately it's all too plausible: TRUTH JIHAD: Peter Mooring on “covert electronic harassment”
17 Sep 2015 James H. Fetzer interview on the Covert Harassment Conference 2015: The Real Deal Ep # 105 Covert Harassment Conference / The JFK Zapruder Film
15 Sep 2015 We are pleased to announce that Dr. John Hall will be speaking at the Covert Harassment Conference 2015. Title of John's lecture: Who are the Targeted Individuals?
10 Sep 2015 Documentary on ZERSETZEN - Spies, Lies and Threats
10 Sep 2015 Kevin Barrett has announced on his blog an upcoming broadcast of the talk he recorded with Peter Mooring:
10 Sep 2015 We are pleased to announce that Prof. Olle Johansson from the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, will give a lecture on "Adverse health effects of modern electromagnetic fields from wireless telecommunication, such as mobile phones and WiFi".
For more info about Prof. Olle Johansson see:
or watch the video: Prof. Olle Johansson on WiFi - "Irreversible sterility within five generations"
9 Sep 2015 Ole Dammegård on tour in September and Oct 2015, speaking also at the Covert Harassment Conference 2015!
9 Sep 2015 Check out The False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer mentioning (1:48min+) our conference:
False Flag Weekly News 09/08/2015
8 Sep 2015 About microwave, EMF, satellite or even HAARP technology, plus on-the-ground operatives, to stalk and harass people.
Psychologist Seth Farber and two electronic harrasssment victims speak out! _on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio
7 Sep 2015 Unfortunately, due to serious (leg) injury Carl Clark cannot come to the conference. We visited Carl and did an interview with him parts of which will be shown during the conference. We wish Carl prompt & successful recovery.
4 Sep 2015 Newsletter 4 Sep 2015.
3 Sep 2015
Brilliant artist David Dees expresses his support to the conference by sharing his art with us.
Please download, share, print, distribute.
2 Sep 2015 We are proud to announce that Dr. Kevin Barrett will media cover our event and also will be speaking at the Covert Harassment Conference 2015.
His website is
28 Aug 2015 CHC2015 Press Release available in English, Deutsch (German), Polski (Polish) and Francais (French). Please use link or send PDF to journalists, media, etc.
Links to Press Release:
Download PDF's to include in your emails and letters here:
27 Aug 2015 Peter had an interview with James Tracy on Truth Frequency Radio, 24 Aug 2015:
25 Aug 2015 Jim Fetzer discusses our event and invitation with Kevin Barrett on the False Flag Weekly News (min 7:30), 20 Aug 2015:
21 Aug 2015 Prof. Em. Jim Fetzer expressed his support for the Covert Harassment Conference 2015 by posting our Press Release on his blog:
and also by sharing it on the Veterans Truth Network, where he has been recently appointed as Senior Editor:
Jim Fetzer is a former Marine Corps officer, who has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality.
20 Aug 2015 James Tracy has kindly posted our PR on his blog:
Peter was also interviewed by James and the talk will be auditioned on 24 Aug 2015 on The Truth Frequency Radio:
9 Aug 2015 Ole Dammegård will be speaking at the conference ....
8 Aug 2015 Newsletter 2 Aug 2015.
28 Jul 2015 Buy your tickets now. Very reduced price for TI's..
28 Jul 2015 Dr. Nick Begich will be speaking at the conference ....
14 Jul 2015 Newsletter 5 Jul 2015.
28 Jun 2015 Summary programme updated Programme 2015.
15 Jun 2015 The summary programme is online: Programme 2015.
11 Jun 2015 The conference location has been arranged: Link to location, hostels/hotels.
1 Jun 2015 CHC2015 is organized by: STOPEG, EUCACH, IGEF, STOPZET. See also below.
Covert Harassment Conference on Facebook
Covert Harassment Conference on Facebook
Dedicated to Rauni Kilde
The 2015 conference is dedicated to the memory of Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde who was a speaker at the 2014 conference. She passed away 8 February 2015. Rauni was a real fighter and inspired many of us, thank you so much Rauni. Her last words at the 2014 conference:Video >.
Rauni's lecture: Bright light on black shadows, man is a mind, not a body >.

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The conference is part of the TI-EVENT-2015, a two day event to bring together the targeted individuals from all over Europe and the world. It aims at creating more awareness on the covert crimes committed against them and humanity.
TI-EVENT-2015 website >
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