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Victims/testimonals: Paolo Dorigo
Paolo is a victim from Italy. He has been contacted by many victims and has been researching common characteristics in targeting.
Personal story and statistics of targeting in Italy
ACOFOINMENEF Associazione contro ogni forma di controllo ed interferenza mentale e neurofisiologica (ex-AVae-m)

intervento di Paolo Dorigo per ACOFOINMENEF (ex AVae-m)

Breve sintesi del caso della tortura tecnologica su Paolo Dorigo e della nascita e sviluppo della AVae-m fondata con Maurizio Bassetti e attuale situazione della Associazione.

In Italia, la riflessione che portiamo a questa conferenza non vuole soffermarsi sulle caratteristiche dei metodi utilizzati, controllo mentale con impianti sottocutanei, manipolazione mentale onirica, manipolazione mentale massiva, manipolazione mentale tramite trasmissioni televisive e telefoniche e la pubblicità, quindi, attacchi elettromagnetici a microonde finalizzati all'uccisione delle persone, od alla loro neutralizzazione sociale, e strutture che agiscono di concerto per tacere e coprire questi sistemi di morte.
Vogliamo soffermarci sui moventi SOCIALI di questi trattamenti “inumani e degradanti”, parliamo del fatto che non è una nuova legge quello che manca, manca invece la VOLONTA' di perseguire questo crimine sociale ed istituzionale che è la tortura tecnologica in Italia.
Lo faremo parlando dell'origine dei trattamenti, da dove iniziano, come, chi copre il tutto. Giungeremo brevemente e sinteticamente ad ipotizzare una terribile realtà: in Italia tutti sanno, e tacciono. Questo è un sistema tecnologico di controllo e di repressione del popolo.

(Proiezione e spiegazione Tabella Statistica per regioni in Italia e Tabella Moventi del Crimine della tortura tecnologica) link Tabella 1 link Tabella 2

Interventation of Paolo Dorigo for ACOFOINMENEF (ex AVae-m)
(Brief synthesis of the case of the technological torture against Paolo Dorigo and of the birth and development of the AVae-m founded with Maurice Bassetti and actual situation of the Association.)

The remark we bring to this conference on Italy's torture -system, doesn't want confine on the characteristics of the used methods of covert harassment: Mind control with subcutaneous implants, dreaming manipulation , massive mind manipulation, mind manipulation through tv and telephone and the commercials. Or, microwaves attacks finalized to the selecting killing of people, or to their social neutralization and structures that act together to keep silent and to cover these systems of death.
We want to analyze the social motives of these treatments "inhuman and degratading" (opposite to the UN international declaration), we speak of the fact that is not a new law that is necessary, but we need instead to struggle to defeat this social and institutional crime that is the technological torture in Italy.
We will do it speaking of the origin of the treatments, from where they begin, as, who covers everything. The sources of those harrassments: family, industrial secrets, economics interest, military environment, justice and home affairs. Often, the women are often object of torture from husbands or fiance', also police officers or military. We will shortly and synthetically hypothesize a terrible reality: in Italy everibody know the truth, and keep silent.

To the beginning, the system is theVatican system. At the end, there is the technological systemof control and repression the people. (Projection and explanation Statistic Chart for regions in Italy and Chart Motives of the Crime of the technological torture) link Table 1 link Table 2
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The conference is part of the TI-EVENT-2014, a single day event to bring together the targeted individuals from all over Europe. It aims at creating more awareness on the covert crimes committed against them and humanity.
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